Coming Soon.....Same Day Work and Pay
Date and time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Stay tuned for additional dates for our Same-Day Work and Pay Program. Find more information below.

Time & Location
Date and time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the event
What is the Same-Day Work & Pay Program? It is a chance for you to get immediate work and get
paid the same day. You work a day in one of our gardens or at one of our orchard partners, under the
supervision of our Garden Manager, and you get paid via a $100 pre-paid Visa gift card at the end of the
shift. It’s that simple! You earn a fair wage while making a difference in your community and learning
gardening techniques, skills, and enjoy connection with others. At the end, you get to see the fruits of
your labor. And don’t forget to stop by the gardens or orchard sites with the changing of each season, to